Currently not accepting new clients due to a full case load.

Currently not accepting new clients
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Our Mission

You are here because something isn’t working in your child’s education, and you are seeking some answers and assistance. The special education system is difficult to understand and navigate, especially when you have a child who is struggling. We understand that and are here to help you.
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We believe that establishing a solid rapport with our clients is an important part of the team building necessary to find the best solution for each individual student. We’ve tailored not just our approach, but our office processes and procedures to ensure peace-of-mind for our clients.
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Our Services

Legal Services & Representation

We focus on ensuring that students with disabilities receive appropriate educational services and accommodations in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.

Special Education Advocacy

Our special education advocacy helps lessen the intellectual and emotional burden for parents as they work with educators and administrators to find the best solution for their student.


I have felt fully supported as a parent throughout this process and would HIGHLY recommend Laura's firm to anyone actively seeking answers.
Attorney Heneghan maintains professional relationships with school districts that foster collaboration between school teams and parents.
I would undoubtedly recommend hiring Stacey to help navigate the IEP process for your child.

Who We Are

Photo of Laura Heneghan

Laura Heneghan

Attorney At Law
Photo of Stacey Tié

Stacey Tié

Non-Attorney advocate

DISCLAIMER: Attorney advertising materials. The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Law Offices of Laura A. Heneghan, LLC. Please be advised that no attorney-client relationship is established until a retainer is executed between you and the Law Offices of Laura A. Heneghan, LLC. Do not send confidential documents without express prior approval. Outside links provided on this website are done so for informational purposes only. The Law Offices of Laura A. Heneghan, LLC is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of the materials linked to this website.

Currently not accepting new clients.