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Our Services

You’ve come here because you’re determined to find solutions for your child’s education challenges. Navigating the complex world of special education can be overwhelming, especially when your child is struggling. At LOLAH, we understand your frustrations and are committed to guiding you through this journey.

Legal Services & Representation

Legal services and representation specifically focused on issues related to special education and the rights of students with disabilities. We work to ensure that students with disabilities receive appropriate educational services and accommodations in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.

These services include but are not limited to:

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Individualized Education Program (IEP) Review

An IEP is the mandated document developed for each individual child with disabilities who is eligible for special education and related services. This is a fundamental component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal law that ensures students' right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). We ensure you understand your rights and what actions can be taken when the IEP is not implemented properly.

IEP Meetings

Attendance at IEP meetings with parents to advocate for the child's needs and preserve your rights under the IDEA.


A confidential dispute resolution method and alternative to filing for due process. Laura will prepare you for this process, negotiate, and represent your rights to reach a mutually agreeable resolution in a more informal and collaborative manner than litigation. We strive to reach a resolution that benefits the student and ensures their educational needs are met.

Due Process Hearings

When collaboration doesn’t work and the public district is unable or unwilling to meet your child’s needs, Laura will file a Due Process complaint against the school district. Representation in these legal proceedings includes presentation of evidence, questioning or witnesses, and making arguments before an impartial hearing officer. As litigation is both time-consuming and costly, this would be discussed with you at length prior to initiating litigation.

Section 504 Plans

Assisting in matters related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which mandates accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to education and school programs.

Transition Planning

As students with disabilities approach adulthood, there's often a need for transition planning to help them smoothly transition from school to post-secondary education, employment, or independent living. These services are generally provided through the IEP, and Laura will provide you guidance through this process.

Special Education Advocacy

Random House dictionary defines “advocate” in part as: “someone who speaks, writes in favor of, supports, advises, or urges by argument in support of another person. In other words, an advocate is someone who actively negotiates for the needs of another.”

Families faced with the emotional burden of a child struggling at school can be easily overwhelmed by navigating the complicated system of educational services available to students in need. Advocates work to lessen both the intellectual and emotional burdens families face by creating a team dedicated to finding the best solutions available for the student. Within the team structure, the advocate supports parents by educating them on their rights and the special education process allowing them to provide emotional support for their child while also assuming a meaningful role in the process by being able to make informed decisions about their child's education program.

While advocates DO NOT provide legal advice they must have a clear knowledge and understanding of IDEA and Section 504 and the student they are advocating for.

Explain, Manage & Enable — How Advocacy Helps

  • EXPLAIN their child’s educational rights and help them navigate all options available to them
  • CLARIFY the role of the parents and keep them on task during the process
  • MANAGE expectations based on established legal standards
  • INTERPRET data and evaluations and other information so parents have the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions for their child’s education
  • SUPPORT parents during meetings by focusing on process and procedures so they can be free to offer the emotional support their child needs
  • ENABLE parents to effectively collaborate and communicate with school faculty and administration
  • REFER parents to an attorney when appropriate
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